Friday, June 13, 2014

Todays Ride- Wolumla Peak

The ride from home to Wolumla Peak and back. It's a ride I've been meaning to do for some time, and with some rain forecasted for the next couple of days, today seemed like the right time.

The ride over to Mandeni and then down the first downhill was fun as always. I had decided to head cross county to the beginning of the main climb. The advantage of this method was that within a matter of minutes I was in natural bushland, with towering trees either side of of the trail. The downside was that there was a fair bit of climbing before I even got to the main Wolumla Peak climb.

The first part of this climb was a bit up and down, with some steep pinches, until I turned onto the main Wolumla Peak road, a gravel section which quickly turns more 4WD type territory. So followed a pretty sustained climb, up until the last km, where the trail got rockier, and steeper!

It was a section where I was my full limit and only going about 6km an hour! Probably could have gone faster walking.

Finally the top came into view, and what a view it was. Even on the overcast day, the views of the surrounding National Park, farmland and coast were spectacular.

Of course, what goes up must always go down, with the ride back home full of those moments of 'going a bit fast into this sketchy corner', all with a smile on my face.

A nice day for a bike ride...

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